Aug 29, 2023·edited Aug 29, 2023Liked by Hadden Turner

Superb post Hadden! If you ever set up a coffeehouse it should be called 'Refuge of Authenticity' -I say this as I had just reflected on starting a "coffee house" on my substack, where like-minded 'convivialists' could exchange conversation and ideas etc. The search for authenticity will likely also draw us closer to real people in real spaces, at least this is what I notice for myself. Lots more to ponder about your post....

Also, did you finish your masters dissertation?

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Thanks Ruth, I enjoyed writing this one - one of the rare occasions where I can write an essay in an afternoon and publish it the same day (words just flowed). I like the idea of a coffeehouse for the Convivialists - that is a place where ideas will be formed :)

The dissertation is due on Monday - almost there now!

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All the best for the final stretch!

Also, Patrick B. Whalen wrote a piece today that very much reminded me of your writing. You should definitely check him out: ex-Marine, poet, Chrisitan, founder of a boys boarding school - see https://patrickwhalen.substack.com/p/racoons-and-henhouse-economics

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Thanks Ruth,

Just read Patrick's piece, excellent! I love the phrase Henhouse economics - it is perfectly descriptive. And the emphasis on uncovering hidden costs is much needed in our society which does its utmost to obscure these.

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by Hadden Turner

What a very sad world we live in. So very glad there is a True Living Loving God we can trust with our lives.

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I'm pleased to see this refuge. As one Refuge-Keeper to another, these sorts of oasis of calm will be increasingly difficult to find. As you pointed out, these refuges need protection and support.

Establishing my own Refuge of Authenticity, always researched, considered and written by me - a real human;


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Thanks Carolyn, I am glad you have taken this stance for your writing. As you rightly say, these will be oasis of calm in a world of disorientation.

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Thank you for writing this, I’m so glad to have found your post on notes! 😊 Maybe we should create a collective on substack called “Refuge of Authenticity: Writers & Readers against AI” where likeminded people can gather? Just an idea. Substack has chosen to embrace AI, and it would be great to form an authentic community of humans who won’t use or support this technology. What do you think?

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I think it is a great idea! I am not sure how it would work but Ruth Gaskovski in the comments above was mentioning something very similar - and she is very good at getting communities started.

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Creating a separate newsletter might be easier for people to find that way it could have its own chat. Based on the fiction collectives I’ve seen on substack (Ex: “fictionistas”) they allow guest posts to make it a more interactive community. Maybe Ruth would be interested in something like this?

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Count me in!!! Love this idea of a Refuge of Authenticity!!!

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Hadden Turner

I have been so curious to give it one of thr paragraphs from one of my pieces and seeing how it would improve it. But it frightens me. I use chatgpt in my (day job) business writing because I hate writing emails. Do I can see how powerful it is. But I just couldn't do it with personal writing. I'm scared I would try it and would be hooked. However, there are two sides to this. As you say, the average viewer or reader doesn't give a toss who or what created the work because they want pretty and easy. But they are a lot of bread and butter. I dont have a lot of skin in the game as I self publish my novels and don't sell much. But I do fear for those who make a living out of art.

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"I'm scared I would try it and would be hooked."

This is very insightful Jo, I hadn't seen how addictive dynamics are also in play here. We are addicted to content in the social media age (endless scrolling, clicking etc.), but now we have a way of instantly creating that "content" - and surely that is going to be addictive isn't it?

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Hadden Turner

Absolutely. And as a writer, I can see how it would be tempting to want to perfect something you just can't be bothered with. I'm steering clear of it for my personal writing ..

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Such an excellent and needed post! I'm delighted to have found your Refuge of Authenticity. Thank you for sharing these thoughts.

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My pleasure Rachel, I am glad you found this helpful

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I like to think my novels are places where real people live. It's funny because the people are fictional characters, but they seem real to me. I wonder if we've always found ways to escape the real world.

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That is a really interesting point Adrienne - Yes, I think we have always found ways to escape the real world, often because it can feel so scary and broken at times.

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Oct 29, 2023·edited Oct 29, 2023Liked by Hadden Turner

Hello! Real human being here. Delighted to meet other humans. Attempting to keep sanity. Recently caught my 7th grader cheating with the ai provided by his school that he’s just supposed to know not to use. Lord, help me!

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Indeed, AI is like a cookie in a cookie jar for kids and their homework. I saw a graph which showed ChatGPT use dipped significantly over the summer holidays and picked up rapidly again once the school term restarted. Doesn't take a genius to work out why!

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Absolutely amazing post!

PS: my naive hope is that ai fatigue will boost value of creative works 100% crafted by humans. Someday...

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Thanks Victoria,

I too share that hope for AI fatigue - and do believe it will come. But it may be a painful road in getting there.

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Well said! You put the words in my mouth in regards to AI. I'm hopeful that substacks like ours will stand the test and remain a refuge for those seeking it.

I'm curious, what was your masters dissertation on? Do you plan on publishing it here?

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Thanks Christopher, this was encouraging to read.

The dissertation was on an ecological assessment of climate-smart agriculture. No plans to publish on here, but some of my findings may work their way into a few essays. We will see...

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Incredibly inspiring Hadden! I’m going to commit right now to creating my own Refuge of Authenticity. I’ve been discussing the idea of forming a village and this is exactly what I’m talking about.

Also, you really seem to have a skill for language, sir. You’ve mentioned it before but I think we would all benefit greatly if you took a dive into fiction or poetry. Your real art would be welcomed on Substack, I’m sure of it.

Lots to ponder here Hadden. Well done.

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Aug 30, 2023·edited Aug 30, 2023Liked by Hadden Turner

Spot on! Loved this

Carl Jung witnessed two world wars and theorized about psychic epidemics and mass psychosis as some of the most threatening phenomena to humankind. In dark tumultuous times, not knowing how or too scared to make sense of the world otherwise, many will cede their judgement to a mob, take on aspects of an archetype as they become a part of a cult and lose their individuality. This is a precursor to atrocity. Seems to me this is happening today and it is very scary.

Individuation, finding oneself, is the antidote, and done en masse, the way to heal society and stabilize against psychic epidemics.

Applaud this work on authenticity, it is essential to maintaining our ability to individuate. Thank you

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Fascinating Ed,

I wonder how the reaction of the masses will be when no one can tell if what they are reading, seeing, or listening to is from a human/real? And I can see how AI can reduce one's individuality - especially if one surrenders their creative skills and capacity to the machine.

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Aug 30, 2023·edited Aug 30, 2023Liked by Hadden Turner

Truly scary! I think that dislocation is already happening, even before AI. When the internet quickly became the dominant media form, a whole lot of trustworthiness went out the window. This coincided with the rise of cable news. Meanwhile, PR firms too cozy with the media, dark money in politics and bad actors in politics and media have clouded the public sphere, now splintered. It has been difficult to tell authentic information from advertising and propaganda for a while now, as far as I can tell.

AI will only compound this and make matters worse.

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Fantastic post! Count me in.

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Thanks Josh!

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Hadden Turner

I love the idea but you correctly identify the challenge in creating something like this without levels of trust most people don’t appreciate anymore. Kudos to all the creatives who will create in spite of this. I personally have taken hits creatively confronting my own ego in the process. As I gear up for the next era of creative life I retain no illusions about why I do this or that creative endeavor and lean into my connection to the majesty of the ultimate creation and do my thing in homage. No AI can take that from me.

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Oct 29, 2023·edited Oct 29, 2023Liked by Hadden Turner

Discovering your words is like coming home! Like I've found a kindred spirit! Like I can breathe and relax in safe company! I am new to substack and have written a few words that may resonate with you and your audience. I am a mostly retired graphic designer/illustrator who has been burned by AI on more than a few occasions. AI seems to be on the radar big time! My latest article is my take on it. https://tammymuir.substack.com/p/my-very-real-thoughts-on-artificial

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Ooh, I love this idea!! I will send this essay to others who will appreciate it as much as I do and initiate the idea in my Community. Thank you.

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