Welcome to the Field,

This is a gathering place for the agrarian-minded — those who look to the fields and forests for life and sustenance. This is a way place for those on the long pilgrimage to the ‘Good Life’ — a journey for weary souls buffeted by the pressures of modern, fast-paced life.

The writer standing out in this field is Hadden Turner, a 28-year-old living in the north of England. Although he does not farm himself, most of his days are spent metaphorically walking the footpaths, alleys, glades, and drystone walls of the fields surrounding him, seeking inspiration from the Good Farms and their Good Farmers.

You will frequently bump into other familiar travellers on this journey towards the ‘Good Life’ through the essays that make up these fields, travellers who all have the somewhat paradoxical nature of being rooted to their place while journeying away from the hustle and bustle of the ‘Machine’. Wendell Berry,

, Hannah Anderson, Norman Wirzba, James Rebanks, James C. Scott, Adrian Bell, H.J. Massingham, Ellen Davis, Roger Scruton, and others will all feature from time to time in the writings you will find here. They are the guides, sages, and thinkers who have shaped Hadden into the writer that he is. Their trailblazing wisdom marks out the way on the map that guides us on our journey Over the Fields.

There is one other Influence that must be mentioned before the author heads back into the fields to write: It is the Influence above all else. The Maker of these fields, indeed the Maker of the universe itself, and the Creator of all good — He is the True Guide to the ‘Ultimate Good Life’, and all that is written here is under the framework of a love for this God and His Son, Jesus.

So come and join us as we journey Over the Field and head towards the ‘Good Life’. There is no better place to begin than the first piece the author ever wrote, or his manifesto.

(I would love to hear from you and can be found at haddenturner@proton.me)

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All you will see produced here on Over the Field will be from a real human sitting at his desk somewhere (probably) in England. And this will always be so. Over the Field will function as one Refuge of Authenticity I hope amongst many. I believe many more will take this costly stance, seeing that there is too much to lose in surrendering all to the artificial machine. But, these cultivators of the refuges will need your support. So please support them in their endeavours when you can - and perhaps create a Refuge of Authenticity yourself.

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Essays on agrarianism, sustainability, agriculture, rurality, ecology, Wendell Berry, and techno-scepticism.


Agrarianism, nature, ecology, and a little bit of techno-scepticism is what Over the Field is all about. Written by a young writer from the north of England. If you enjoy Wendell Berry you will hopefully enjoy my writing. .